Access the projects you're involved with in one easy place!
Project Portfolio
View the dashboard report of the projects that are visible to you and access them through the search and filter features.
The dashboard presents convenient summaries and visualisations of key performance indicators of your project portfolio.
View the list of new ideas and initiatives that have been sent to you for review. Initial idea costs and benefits provide an ability to identify potential projects that will deliver the best return on investment.
All projects that are currently awaiting your review and response are listed in one convenient place. Use this tab to quickly progress projects requiring your feedback through the workflow process.
Unlock the key information for your project portfolio performance focusing on areas specific to your department. Projcycle provides valuable insight into project value, execution velocity, progress status and current expenditure. Dashboard information is secured at each level of the organisation hierarchy ensuring appropriate access is provided to specific stakeholders.
Quickly view all new opportunities that have been entered by front-line people. Whether the idea is a defect elimination initiative, a productivity improvement or risk mitigation you can easily identify which opportunities will provide the best cost/benefit return before approving them to become a project. You can easily add to the list of project types to allow greater tracking possibilities.
Projcycle ensures your decision makers are not burdened by a flood of emails by providing a quick and accessible list of workflow approval requests. Time tracking and visualisation of workflow approval rates helps your business identify and remove bottlenecks that decrease project velocity.